What is the longest you've been jobless? And how did you manage?

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my experience and seek advice regarding my severance situation. I completed my degree in June, and I have been laboriously job-stalking for the past four months, starting even before I graduated.

Unfortunately, I have only entered many webbing emails and had just one interview. It’s been a grueling trip, and I am feeling relatively disheartened. I have diligently applied to multiple jobs daily, exercising platforms like LinkedIn, customizing my capsule, and writing acclimatized cover letters. While I remain hopeful that a job offer will come my way ultimately, the interim period has been tough. Numerous positions I have applied for have redounded in rejections, while others have quietly closed their openings, leaving me in limbo as" under consideration."

I would greatly appreciate any advice or perceptivity on enhancing my job hunt process. also, I’d love to hear how you all manage during your own ages of severance.

How do you spend your days, and how do you manage the challenges? Maybe it’s particularly challenging for me because I am just starting out in my career and have limited experience, but anyhow, it’s been a delicate trip. I wish you all success in your current jobs or job quests.


Honestly, there’s just no other choice than to keep going. I was laid off in February, and I’ve been searching ever since. Most days, I just paste on a smile and shove my panic attacks deep down. I just keep hoping the next application is the last one.

Sending good vibes :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve had two types of unemployment. One where I was broke and one where I had savings and 6 months of severance pay. The latter is much better as you’d expect.

2.5 months. I left an entry level (still at entry) 2 months ago after I graduated with my degree in May of 2022. Sort of felt discouraged from my job search until this amazing recruiter reached out to me and I start my first day tomorrow in a big firm :slight_smile: good luck to you all!

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Congratulations buddy :slight_smile: