Tips for Interviews + Mock Interview Wanted

Hello everyone, my name is Jas.

I’ll have an interview next week for financial analyst. Previous job was data analyst, so it’s probably similar, right? Could use some interview practice and feedback, is that offered online?

I would highly value any insights or tips that have proven beneficial to you during interviews. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments or send me a direct message!


What do you know in Excel? It is crucial that you are an advanced user if you are to become a financial analyst.

I’m very experienced in Excel, but how do I show that in an interview besides saying “I’m very experienced in Excel”? Internet research tells me the same thing, but no specifics. Pivot tables, lookup and valuation equations, formatting, that could mean any number of formulas and techniques.

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First, what is your current job title and do you even need any more functionality than your current skill set to complete the job? It can be fun ‘diving deeper’ into Excel, but it can come at a job cost.

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Previous job: Business Analyst (intermediate Excel); Current job: Entrepreneurship Consultant (basic Excel); Desired job: Financial Analyst (expert Excel). Question is, what skills differentiate intermediate vs expert Excel? How can improving skills lead to job cost?

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sent you a DM! Let’s talk.