The circle of finding work

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The circle of adulthood

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Kids constantly keep asking everyone to see them as grown ups while adults keep dreaming of going back to kindergarten lol. We live in a society.

My stressed brain: just hop in that grave now

Thus begins to Circle of Lying your ass off.

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My brain on interview thirty: Just do it!

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You have to start working at 16, otherwise you’ll hit 18 with less than a year of experience and no one will hire you

I just managed to get a job yesterday I start Monday. it was so difficult trying to convince them to hire me because I haven’t had a job before

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Then how did you convince them?

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Haha to be honest I don’t know it’s a aluminium casting place and I sent them a cv about welding just in case they can have a welder but they don’t need one right now and then they offered me a job just using the machines which other people actually came for that job and I got it haha

Nice. Congratulations on your new job.

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