Slightly off-topic, but do any other job seekers out there dislike weekends?

Since people in the office make hiring decisions usually on weekdays, weekends just feel like wasted days to me since I need a job.

Sorry for the slight off-topicness


Same. I also almost fear going out with friends. I feel like I don’t deserve the fun because I don’t have a job and I feel guilty spending money. And running into people that I haven’t talked to in a while is the worst.


The worst feeling actually is getting a phone call, running to your phone only it to be your mom
Or getting an email notification, checking it excitedly, and yes! its the electric bill!


I think, while job hunting, that weekends are there to remind us that we suck because everyone else wants to sit back, relax, and watch some TV, but you’ve already spent the week doing that in between the depressing job hunting. The weekends mock us… Laugh at us…

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Same here, but I still take some time to look around. I’ve been out of work for a few months due tho moving across the country. The weekend doesn’t feel much different from the weekdays, especially when you don’t know anyone and have no place to go in particular. Wee do find some time on the weekend to do something fun, and inexpensive, but I know that it’s hard to keep your morale up.

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