Seeking advice: How to discreetly manage financial constraints at a new job?

Hello, I’m a 26-year-old female who recently left a less-than-ideal job and fortunately secured a new position. The new workplace seems promising, aligning well with my skills, and the staff is friendly.

Today, I went in for what was supposed to be a 2-hour trial shift, and my supervisor was impressed, offering me the job on the spot and extending my shift for the day, which I happily accepted.

During the lunch break, my colleagues discussed the idea of going out for some “getting to know each other drinks,” which sounds like a great way to bond.

Unfortunately, I find myself in a tight financial spot. My previous job paid weekly, while this new one pays monthly, on the 1st of each month. This means I have to make a week’s worth of minimum wage pay last for a full 31 days. I’ve managed to cover my rent with the savings I had, and the little money I have left is earmarked for groceries (I’m a budget-conscious person). However, it’s a bit embarrassing to admit that I can’t even spare £4 for a quick drink.

It feels like a lot to share with people I’ve just met, explaining that as a 26-year-old, I have no savings due to debts accumulated during my teenage years when I was homeless (and used a credit card to get off the streets, a decision I don’t regret).

Today, I made an excuse about being busy, but I don’t want to come across as rude by declining friendly invitations for an entire month. Any suggestions on how to handle this? Normally, I’d offer to host people for a casual dinner when I can’t afford to go out, but it’s a tight-budget month, and I’d be serving them a week’s worth of my budget meals.

I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance! :two_hearts:


Just be honest. Going from one job to another can leave people running short for the first month. It’s not something people should judge you over.
Maybe ask to make plans for payday?

I think I may have to, thank you. I just really don’t want to be a point of gossip at work

If you hauled yourself from the street up into apartment and stable job there is nothing to gossip about and nothing to be ashamed of :slight_smile: Take pride in how you can to be “broke for a month” and be honest about it and I think you will only be met with empathy :slight_smile:

Cheers !

Yeah. If anything, I’d say words like “wow, she’s so strong and hardworking, very admirable,” rather than something judgmental.

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Honesty is good, but this could very easily turn into several people offering to loan her a bit until payday and then she’d have to go into why a loan is not a good thing, even a small one, which is just more awkwardness.


You’re right, loaning hadn’t even crossed my mind. I come from a poor family, so I know that I’d rather do it on my own, too. :frowning:

Easy, just say thanks, but I can’t accept money I haven’t yet earned. No additional info is needed.

No just tell them you went from weekly pay to monthly and you budgeted every penny till first pay, but that you’d gladly join them next month. I think we all been a bit skint at some point in our life. (Car broke down, moving, etc.)

Yes! I’ve been though this. My co-workers ended up buying me drinks (I ended up getting tea or soda, something cheap) and only accepting if I can pay them back later.