Offering mock interviews - technical CompSci/Software Dev

I have three years of professional experience as a software developer. I regularly conduct interviews for candidates applying for internships or full-time positions in software development at a highly competitive financial services company. I can confirm that there is a substantial shortage of highly skilled computer science professionals at the moment, and there is a high demand for such talent.

I understand that interviews can be intimidating, particularly for those without prior experience. If anyone is interested in practicing their interviewing skills or would like to receive sample interview questions, I would be delighted to offer assistance

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I’m not looking for (nor am i qualified for) a job in this field, but I would definitely be interested in getting some more interview “experience” :smiley:

That would be awesome! I completely blanked on my last one and I probably cost myself an interview. I’m currently in a temp job as a filing clerk even though I’m qualified to work as a software developer.

Cool. shoot me a PM with some contact info (gmail or skype) and we can go from there. have an up to date resume?