Name and shame: CIBC

I interviewed for a junior developer position at CIBC a year ago as a fresh graduate. The experience left a mark.

In the interview, they questioned me on Java basics, then progressed to design patterns, where I faltered on the decorator pattern. They moved on to multithreading, and I admitted my limited practical experience. A developer bragged about their own expertise.

I solved a graph cloning problem, but my solution was criticized. Then, I faced a challenging LeetCode problem. Despite the manager’s interest, they rejected me when I asked for 75k CAD in downtown Toronto.

A few weeks later, I found a better job paying 90k. I’m still hopeful for a FAANG acceptance to share my achievement on LinkedIn. That’s my story.

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Wow, I’m impressed you even completed the interview! I would’ve noped my way out asap once they got too snippy. Why choose to work lol

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It was my very first interview for a full time position so I thought the problem was just me. Had massive imposter syndrome at that point too.

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I know people at CIBC, you dodged a bullet. More politics and bullshit than meaningful work.

I would just go into “it” mode and have fun, I would ask the others “Is he always this socially awkward?”

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Exactly! They sound insecure asf!!! I’d never want to work there!

I heard the inside joke is: CIBC = Could It Be Cheaper

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Yeah those are definitely the kinds of “mentors” you don’t want to start your career with.

Yeah, I can definitely relate

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