Meme of the day

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My cousin was once offered a promotion and therefore a raise at a job he worked. The promotion involved far more responsibilities but the pay was literally 20p more an hour. He turned down the promotion and all hell broke loose because they had just assumed everyone would want to progress up the ranks, they gave him another offer and it was 50p extra an hour and he just kept refusing because it was harder work for barely any extra pay.

Then when they offered it to the next person, they also didn’t want it and essentially the entire staff refused to be promoted to manager because it was simply not worth the extra pay.

They could not wrap their heads around this logic and the ultimate result was this branch office was shut down due to an inability to get a manager in the branch.

Later he moved to a competitors business, where he had the exact same job but just shy of double the wage.

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I had a friend working in a movie theater as a projectionist, and he had been working there so long that he was making more than the managers. They kept trying to offer him an assistant manager position for 25 cents more. Like, you can sit here and press start on movies, or for 25 cents more, you can run this whole building! He finally moved to manager when they automated the booth, and they instantly switched to trying to get him to switch him to salary, making 5k less than he was currently making from hourly, saying the benefits outweigh the salary loss. Insane.

I mean, that’s certainly a thing that CAN be true, given the right calculations and circumstances.

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Make less, but the benefits ‘outweigh’ the salary loss, is how they get you to accept the ‘slavery’ pay initially.

Once you’re in that, jobs like this will start telling you to come in nights and weekends, cover people who drop shifts, and be basically at their beck “on call” [sic] to crank out 50-80 hours per week from you whilst still paying you for the original 40. Or, ~35 in this case.

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I had a job offer me 35k around the same time I got an offer for twice that amount plus a de ent 401k match. The CEO called me personally after I turned it down to try to convince me that “actually, the company cruse we go on every year comes out to a better offer then your other offer”. I told him a cruise doesn’t feed my family, so no. Who would take a computer programming job for 35k?

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Nobody wants to work