[meme] Job's dead


I loved this job when I first started, but that was many years ago. I’ve hated the job for years, but it’s all I know, and afraid of starting over.


I’m four years in and I feel this exactly

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Mathematically wise I just realized that I’m “there” But I had a guard deployment where I convinced myself it’s all I ever wanted.
2 and a half years back, plus 9 months at a jail… and I was considering going back to the Mine I b left to be a cop. I want to do this job… but of an the things, it wa the inter-office drama that was killing me.


How long until you’re vested in your retirement system? Our local department is 11 years you can get partial retirement


I need 10 for leosa, and then I’m going back active duty for 3. 5 years left.

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7 more years till I’m vested.


There so many people like this. They’ve only policed they’re entire life and now that their old all they do is complain instead of leaving because they don’t know how to do anything else.

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What’s the point of starting over in a new career field when I’ve literally put blood, sweat, and tears into all these years?

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