I'm seeking advice on how to request a salary increase

Hello everyone,
To summarize, I’ve been with my current company for six months, and I recently learned from my colleagues that I’m earning about $8,000 to $9,000 less than they are because I didn’t negotiate my initial offer (I had been rejected in my previous two job attempts, so I was hesitant to push).

My workload is significantly higher than that of my colleagues, to the point where it’s more than one person can reasonably handle. I was informed that I would be getting additional assistance to share the workload, but I’m still dissatisfied with my lower salary compared to the rest of our team.

Initially, I believed I had a strong case due to my overwhelming workload, but now, I’m unsure about how to approach requesting a raise, given that I’ve only been with the company for six months.


It’s difficult at 6 months to justify that you need a raise. The FASTEST way to accomplish this is to get a new job. Your current paygrade anchors you to mild increases, so going elsewhere gives you a better chance for the pay bump

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Totally agree but the issue is I’m at one of the best companies in the area that pays really well compared to other companies so I really can’t leave

This is the can of worms people open when they disclose their salary to colleagues. What percent less is it? The dollar amount isn’t really relevant without context.


Negotiating your salary is just as important as the skills you bring to your job. I would start planning for your next review and bring it up then. Your colleague’s negotiating power has nothing to do with your compensation. Try to remember that.

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About 15% more. I agree their negotiating power doesn’t have anything to do with my compensation but I have a masters degree and 3 years of experience vs them having 1 year of experience and being right out of college

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You just ask. It is even better if you have another job offer/say you will leave. Don’t ask for the full 9k, but just say can we discuss my pay I feel like I am being underpaid.


You essentially have no power to ask for a raise. You should either look for a new position or work on getting promoted within this company.