Help Contribute to Free Community Research

Hey guys it’s Jake! (The CEO of this awesome company!). Let’s open source the “proprietary research” and help contribute to it for anyone with an internet connection to prep for their job search.

I actually head the development of the free proprietary research. I actually grew up poor :frowning: and I would have LOVED something like this to help me with my job search.

I hope you can appreciate the power of the internet and the equalizing knowledge it brings everyone. Our research will be always free, open sourced, and will soon be translated to all languages. We gladly welcome contributors!

You can openly contribute to the existing open project Unlocking Competitive Edge: Proprietary Research Insights | by posting in this subforum. Feel free to suggest edits or updates. Happy sharing!


A few ideas from me:

  • Mental Health resources
  • Technical prep for specific job titles
  • I would love for us to merge resources with the free resources already out there. There are quite a few on github that are in the “Mega Resources” category. This will also reduce duplication of work as well