Do you place trust in the reviews you find on platforms like Indeed and Glassdoor?

I have a limited positive job history and I’m aiming to secure a sales position. I’ve landed an interview at a company I applied to through Indeed. On both Indeed and Glassdoor, I haven’t come across extremely negative reviews about the company.

However, when I conducted a Google search using their name, I stumbled upon some claims suggesting that the company doesn’t pay its employees and is involved in fraudulent activities that affect both customers and the companies whose products they sell. I’m somewhat unsure about what to believe.

Upon further investigation, it seems that Glassdoor operates similarly to Yelp, where companies can potentially pay to have negative reviews removed. I also noted that the company has no complaints with the Better Business Bureau.


Most people don’t leave reviews if they are happy with the place. They typically leave reviews when they’ve had a negative experience.


Ya, that’s why I’m a little disconcerted at the overwhelmingly positive and lack of negative reviews. It seems phishy


I would not put too much stock in them. I have worked at an employer that was rated poorly and had a great experience. The angry employee is 1000 times more likely to leave a bad review than a happy one who leaves a good review.


Talk to some of your perspective coworkers and look for tenure. If everyone has been there less than a year look elsewhere.

I would, I’d rather know the dirt and all of that upfront. I worked at a place that had all 8 employees, and the only review for that place said job prospector. Beware, the exec director is a nut job. I said the same thing, “just some angry employee, surely isn’t representative of the whole”. Sure enough, 2 months later, I was out of there, the only other people who worked there were basically held hostage by needing to feed their kids or had a sweet deal setup where they didn’t even need to see him.

Could anybody who’s a LinkedIn premium member let me know if they see any sales reps that have been working there for a long time on their list of employees, please?

Reach out to a few people on LinkedIn.

If there are a reasonable amount of reviews, I find Glass Door pretty good. You also get salary info. Watch for employer-based reviews from HR depts or other management. They are usually pretty obvious.