Can you actually get down with lying about a degree or experience?

I don’t want to lie. But I keep seeing a maid’s degree is needed so much these days, and someone told me they did it to get a job. I’ve got an AS in health wisdom, but how bad would say I actually have a BS be? they said they just matched the verity with the form they filled out, and the company just looked for fail or pass with hire rights. I allowed when you complete an operation with the word on it, hiring directors see it? Also, is that what’s used to be run for a check? And you give your social/ concurrence also. perhaps this person got lucky, but if saying I had a degree helped, why not?

As a general rule, never lie about something that can be easily verified and that includes a degree.

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You can’t, once they ask for references, you are fucked

Okay so i understand a company can check. Someone said they filled out the truth on a separate background check but the company was only looking for a fail or pass. So I didn’t get if there was a way you submit info they do not see for the check to come back okay, or if they see was is submitted/use your application/social.

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You should never outright lie about something that you never done before or don’t have credentials for. I think it’s okay to embellish or make yourself sound better than you actually did, that’s fine everyone does that.

It’s only going to lead to problems for you in the long run, I have my masters on my resume even though I haven’t finished it, but I have the end date of when I expect to… stretch what you’ve done don’t outright lie